Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Doodle 2

Sorry folks this is not a good blip, but I've had a busy morning at work and I'm really tired.

I love working with charcoal and this is just a quick doodle :) Remember how it squeaked at school anyone? (I used to hate it, but I've grown to love it now)...

Spaghetti Bolognaise in the slow cooker at the crack of dawn this morning ready to go in the freezer tonight, for when its needed by a couple of new mums (our Church gives meals for a fortnight to new mum's and dad's so they don't have to worry about cooking when they're dealing with all the things that a new baby brings)!

Good news from yesterday evening, is that my friends' baby is out of the incubator although still being monitored, but had no further news today so far.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts and comments yesterday!

The only person that realised what my blip was is lenycato~it was a tissue coming out of the box :)

I'm going to attempt chicken fajitas for my tea now..... never done those before!

Hope you've had a great Saturday blippers :)

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