
Miss E’s twelfth birthday!! Her last before becoming a teenager she may have mentioned once or twice this morning!
And her last without pierced ears! I told her years ago she could get her ears pierced on her thirteenth birthday like I did and she’s clearly counting down the days!!
I did feel for her today not being in school with her friends, not having had her usual birthday sleepover with Miss A and Miss M, not going out for pizza tonight after rock climbing as we planned.
This is her Coronavirus birthday!
She was fine though, amazingly accepting of the situation like she has been about all of it.
She came bounding up to our room at 7am precisely - all those years of us saying no earlier than 7am have clearly paid off!
I was shattered having stayed up too late wrapping her presents (note to self, you can start these things before 11pm the night before!) and then getting engrossed in writing my book until after 1am. It’s like being back at University, why can’t the muse strike at a normal time of day?!
Miss E was excited and awake enough for all of us which was lovely!
She’d opened all her presents by 7.30am - lots of make up which she’d asked for and was thrilled about. Nothing too colourful, just clear mascara and brow stuff, shimmery powder to illuminate, highlighter to add radiance, concealer, tinted moisturiser and a brush.
I’ve told her she’ll have to watch YouTube to find out how it’s all done and to practice (I don’t wear makeup but I always wish I did but never got round to learning and don’t want to go out looking like a clown! Twelve is a good time to start practising I said!!) Then I remembered what some of the make up people on YouTube look like and said to Miss E she should stick to a natural look.
After dippy eggs and soldiers and bacon she went up to get started.
She looked amazing when she came down. Exactly like herself but brighter and more shimmery. It took my breath away.
Well worth the seven million quid spent in Boots on Friday!
Then she did me and I looked shimmery too!
I watched Joe Wickes doing his workout with a cup of tea and my lemon curd on toast. I might join in tomorrow!!
The Little Misses spent the day mostly in their rooms doing school work and chatting to their friends. More chatting than work I think but that’s fine.
I had a bath in the afternoon before taking Archie out.
So far so good with the homeschooling!
Dominos Pizza for dinner followed by delicious chocolate cake and the annual multiple blowing out of the candles. It’s getting so smoky now there’s so many!
Not her usual birthday but pretty good I think overall.
Boris Johnson announced tonight that we’ll be on lockdown from tomorrow. Only going out for food shopping and exercise. My list of jobs to do round the house and tv programmes I’ve always meant to watch will be coming in handy.

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