
Dear Diary,

Here are a couple of details of my "pandemic piece" that I work on every day during this time of "I*sew*lation.  Half the fun of creating this is rummaging around in my grandmother's button box for tiny treasures to add to the stitchery and vintage textile items.  These two I thought particularly appropriate.  The one on the left is a tiny button from a Boy Scout uniform with the motto, "Be Prepared" on it.  We were sorely unprepared for this pandemic and now we are scrambling to catch up.  The one on the right is a lapel pin from WWI given to blood donors by the Red Cross.  The Latin words, "Pro Patria" mean, "for country".   Last nights announcement on the news of trials of plasma donations from those who have recovered from the virus offers hope for a treatment for this deadly scourge.  

Today's lesson is about using all our senses to inform our photograph, "perception is embodied".  What this means is that you perceive first through the body - your five physical senses.  ”The realm opened to us by our eyes is not just the visual field, but the whole of the sensory cosmos. The way we see is profoundly influenced by what we hear or even taste, by the way we imagine their textures feel.” ~ Laura Sewall

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