Finished cake

Today I started with a run again and my son joined me for a mile and a half at the end. He is missing swimming but I am trying to keep up some fitness. Schooling at home went well today, I helped them both with some Music – my daughter had a quiz so I helped with that and I also helped my son with reading some music. Before they finished school he was learning the recorder and really enjoying it. He bought himself a recorder so he could practice at home. He is certainly following in my musical footsteps.
At lunch time my daughter started decorating her cake and she finished it this evening after chatting to her friends on line for quite a long time which was lovely. She has been finding it quite tough so it was nice to hear her laughing away with her friends. 
I also had a call with my friend and colleague which was lovely. She is deaf, however can lip read, so we spoke over facetime for quite some time. She has a daughter the same age as my son and has also been put under furlough so in a similar situation to me. She sounds like she is embracing the luxury of having a lot of time however which is lovely. 
My son has a land training session with his club over Zoom, which he enjoyed whilst my husband, my daughter and I did some exercise in the garden. 
I have continued to do quite a lot of work on my book in between school work and am happy with the progress I am making. When I get going I have a lot of ideas that come to mind. 

Overall a good day and happy children. I hope you are all having a lovely day. A quote for today:

"Intense love does not measure. It just gives." Mother Teresa

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