Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Mr Blue Sky!

Look at that blue sky smiling at me as I enjoyed my stroll this afternoon. It was an unexpected bonus after a morning of drizzle. It has been extremely windy so I guess the weather could move about pretty quickly. I was very grateful it moved the way it did anyway! 

Another Thursday 8pm clap for our amazing key workers keeping the country ticking over at the moment. I'll be clapping for the doctors, nurses, pharmacists, ambulance drivers and all those NHS stars. However, I'll also be clapping for the shopkeepers, supermarket workers, public transport drivers, refuse collectors, carers to the elderly and disabled, delivery drivers, police officers, those in the fire service and the post men and women. All providing services which so many of us rely and depend upon each and everyday without a second thought. So let's clap for all our real life superheroes! 

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