Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lockdown Day 10: Another big clap

It does bring people together. Had nearly the whole close out tonight. And in daylight too, courtesy of British Summer Time.

TSM had another ghastly day. She is really working her socks off. My day was more pedestrian but plagued by the blurred vision which seems worse than usual. Small beer in the great scheme of things. 

An old colleague rang for some advice. It was good to talk. He is a wonderful guy who is active with organising local food banks and doing voluntary counselling with people who are long term unemployed. We both expressed the view that world had to be different after this. The common good needs to take precedence over common greed.

I’m taking annual leave tomorrow. Hopefully we can get the garden sorted so that we can enjoy the warmer weather forecast for the weekend. We are very lucky in that respect; in fact we’re lucky full stop.

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