I didn’t really feel like getting up at 6.15 because it was still dark, but bearing in mind that we didn’t go out for our half hour walk yesterday, felt we should make the effort this morning.  Once we were up and moving about, we both decided that it would be a good idea to have a walk and besides which, the sun was shining by 6.45 so off we went.  

Of course, I stopped to take several photographs on the way, but felt that none would do for the Flower Friday challenge, until I saw this little clump of Narcissi in the hotel grounds - they were standing tall when a lot of the daffodils around them had already gone over.  

A quick walk over the dual carriageway, and along the lane opposite - our normal circular walk - when I realised I hadn’t brought my selfie stick nor had I brought my ear buds, which make taking a selfie easier, so we had to improvise with Mr. HCB holding my phone and me taking the shot.

We arrived home having been out for just over half an hour, and had seen several people walking and running, but again kept our two metre distance.  We did abide by the ruling NOT to drive anywhere to walk but it was obvious that others had not adhered to that rule as we saw people getting out of cars and going into the nearby water park.  Again, we wondered what part of DO NOT DRIVE ANYWHERE TO EXERCISE those people did not understand?  Yes, it’s hard, but it’s hard for everyone and just because you have a dog or you run every day doesn’t mean you are exempt from the rules set in place for everyone’s ultimate benefit.

By the time we got home, the sky had darkened and perhaps we have had the best of the day, but at least we have done our exercise.  Mr. HCB and I played several games of dominoes yesterday - and I did beat him. We may even get the Cribbage board out later, to try and keep our brains exercised but not so sure I will beat him at that!  What was good when we were playing dominoes was that we were in contact with our son, Jules, in Vietnam, so I was sending him photographs and chatting on Whatsapp so it almost seemed as if he was there with us.  Guess I could always do a Cribbage video chat with earphones in and get him to play my hand against Mr. HCB - now that would be good.  I might suggest that to him as he and Mr. HCB loved to wind each other up when they used to play.

It was good to hear lots of noise and clapping last night as people came out of their homes to thank ALL the frontline staff who are keeping our country going at the moment and of course, we joined in.  We could even hear music from the next street, and Jules would have approved if he had heard it - Everything's Gonna Be Alright - sung by Bob Marley, who was a favourite of his and when he lived at home believe me, the house used to shake because the volume, especially the bass, was turned RIGHT UP!  His reason, as he often told me, was that “It needs to get into your bones!”

“Although the world is full of suffering,
     it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
Helen Keller

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