How... effectively work at home during lockdown. 

I tried a school trip "to the beach" today. She was not impressed when I put her in the car, took her out again and unpacked the beach on to the garden. So I resorted for a different suggestion the helpful parents of Facebook had made.

She didn't sleep quite as well as yesterday but has been a bit more cooperative on the whole. I have tried to pull her back as much as possible from any pressure. She's on a bit of a mission with school work. She's had a great time exploring a lot of topics already and is doing some brilliant independent learning. She is engaging well with the huge pile of music projects and homework that has been thrown at her by her music school. She did some recordings for both her ensemble and improvisation lessons today and some corrections on her dalcroze work. The online ballet she's finding trickier to cope with.  She did a class today, and has most days, but it's not filling her joy bucket the same way class does normally does. I guess she's used to music being often quite a solitary thing with the hours of practising and she can still play properly in lockdown but ballet is almost always with other people and she doesn't have the space or floor to dance flat out. 

In our permitted exercise time we ended up spending about 20 minutes watching some wild rabbit families coming and going from their warrens and getting nature photos for an art project next week. 

She didn't get the second half of her pizza today as she returned to a 4am disturbing of mummy. But she promised at bedtime to try harder... 

NB all participants in this silliness were basically willing. 
NB 2 the tape on her mouth was doubled so none stuck to her face 

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