There must be a ......
Rainbow somewhere!
Yes who would have thought 59 years ago ,on a bright but nippy Easter Monday , that more or less the whole world is in Lockdown. By this time our ceremony was over ( 11.15 am) and everyone was excited for us and wondering where we were going on Honeymoon, me too , as it was secret from everyone including the bride. But my husband was like that always springing good surprises on me ,and the family too. I wasn't allowed 30 years , Roy died 2.5 months before 30 years were reached. What I was allowed however was that tho' very ill I managed his care at home to the very last. It could have been yesterday as I remember every last minute , so I have a lot to be thankful for even tho' it was so sad. No I'm not " wallowing " just remembering with love .
I've got washing on the line but doubt it will dry as its dull with no breeze today , we'll see if it doesn't dry, well no worries I'm not going anywhere!!
Last night my daughter and I watched a play live from the National Theatre in London via Face Time it was great
to share laughs together even virtually.
Hope all will have a peaceful day and stay safe
Grateful ..... that I was allowed to be with Roy to the last unlike these poor poor families with relatives and friend who died with this dreaded virus. Thank you ALL who are keeping us safe in this awful time.
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