
By Angelique


As you can see my Forsythia is growing very well. And if you look closely you can see the new trellis and supports for the roses etc.

When we moved in a year ago there was just four rotting posts.  I think you would agree it now looks bright and colorful.

I have spent the last week fighting some kind of virus.  I am not going to say I have the dreaded Coronavirus  as I didn't have a temperature.

My mind went back to 42 years ago when carrying Adrian in my arms across a busy road in London, I felt a sharp spike as I breathed in.  Little did I know that's when I caught what the doctors called a "micro plasma virus".  I had a shadow on my lungs and it took me 3 months to recover.

It has left me with Asthma so I am on numerous steroids to protect me.  Did this prevent and help me? I don't know but I have certainly felt just as bad.  Feverish nights with soaked bedding and nightwear and rattling in my lungs.

I am now half way through a course of anti-biotics which is helping but the strange thing is I can still sing!!

We are at war with an unseen enemy and as usual it came out of China.  We know they are a cruel nation with very little regard for animals or humans at times.  We now have to pin our hopes on an anti-dote being found to kill this 'bug' off  until the next one gets thrown at us from over there!!

Wishing you all a healthy bug free weekend.  Keep washing your hands and be careful who you hug. xxxxx

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