Day Ten; On an early morning jog

Woke to a clear sky and with enough time to seek out a place to see the sunrise. Passed very few others out despite the crisp and clean air. Shortly after starting out, I looked over to Maungawhau, and thought I could see a number of people on the summit; at least 16 in little clusters when the photo I took is enlarged. I guess the clusters were people from the same bubble. On the streets there was great attention paid by almost everyone to maintaining adequate physical distance. Despite that there were smiles, waves and greetings; less social distance than before the lockdown.

Managed to run much more than I walked, this morning. And easily reached a good place for a Saturday sunrise photo.

Later, I did our weekly shop, and surprised the man letting us in, one at a time as one exited. He asked me to show him ID that I am in the elderly group the supermarket is helping to queue jump. 

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