Corona Pub Quiz

Lock down Day 10.

We enjoyed a lovely long Walkies again in the quiet countryside, just a few miles down the road. Still no lambs yet.

Mr W and I then had our first lock down Barney.... oh dear. Its been brewing but I have tried hard to hold it in as there is no where to escape. But I let rip.... probably about 80%. Theres more to come out but I had to hold it in. Basically, because I'm a snorer, it does affect our life. Mr W has to move rooms in the night. He won't start off in separate rooms but then moans he's disturbed every night. But this snoring noise has turned into a bit of an issue for Mr W and he now gets cross when Bella snores and keeps poking her to wake her up. Shes very full on with me and I relish the time she's asleep especially after a long walk but I also think its cruel to keep waking her up. Don't most dogs snore??? Anyway, I flipped when he poked her again yesterday. I told him perhaps he should leave the room instead of keep waking her up. That didn't go down well. Then the poop hit the fan for a while.

But we kissed and made up but it made me late for the weekly installment of the Family Corona Pub Quizz but we got there in the end.

So, here we have from left to right....
The Princess and the Sloth
Wares Wally - thats me...
Gangster Granny
Ronosaurus Rex
Hale King Brown
Nuns on the Run- my hero NHS worker sister.

It was such fun and Zoom have scrapped the 40 minute limit which allowed us plenty of family time.Just what I needed after the emotional afternoon I had.

Have you spotted wally yet???  Hit me with your best pub quiz question (and answer!!) for next week!!!

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