Clark Tales

By cclark

Cub feeling

NOT the best picture taken last night but this is Sooz and I clambering to feel "Cub" kicking - Janis was ever so understanding and told us when she felt he/she was going to move.

Tonight was games night for a belated happy birthday for Sooz and a farewell to Doogie who is moving to London tomorrow, permanently! He's always swanning off somewhere, Japan, Netherlands, etc so we're used to him only being home a short while, hopefully it won't be long till we can all meet again sometime soon. Well it won't be long till I see Doogs as I'm off to London on Monday and will be popping in at his new flat lol.

Superb night with people I love = even if some others are still scattered in OZ! Roll on the next games night! Thanks to G for hosting x

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