What was that you said?

8°C  -  Feels like 6°C  -  13 mph SSE Wind Speed  -  18 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Rainy spells.  The weather forecast for this weekend was warm and sunny, but stay at home!  However, a very dreich day here today, so no problem staying at home  -  not even to go out into the garden.  Plenty of bird life though!  I chose my main blip because the Blackbird is cocking his head as if he was listening to the Sparrow.  He is very silly because he is paddling in his feedtray like his Missus did in my last Silly Saturday blip see HERE! -  so he gets the blip task this Saturday.  Thanking you admirer for hosting the challenge for us:)  My extras are 1. Mr Blackbird doing the decent thing and keeping his feet out of the tray, and 2. Mrs Blackbird doing the same.

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