A garden view

This is a very small part of what I see from the window when I am sitting down in the evenings. Every Spring I like the combination of colours and everything still looks so fresh.
 We're getting used to the shut down. We will have to do at least 12 weeks (as my husband has a weakened immune system) but I think for us it could be longer. If I went to the shops, we would have to live almost totally separate lives. He can't touch anything I've touched or use the same bathroom and is supposed to cook and eat and sleep separately. We did it for a week after my last shop, but quite frankly it is better to not go out and live 'normally'.
 Today, as an 'at risk person', my husband got an invitation from Tesco to make an on line order and choose a slot, brilliant!! The first available was 9th of April but at least we know we have that order coming:-) 
I hope everyone is managing to get their food at this difficult time.

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