Apparently about 50% of people who get Coronavirus lose their sense of taste or smell. Working on that assumption; Ann hasn't got it?! This morning I rolled in fox poo and I have been extremely stinky ever since even though I got washed when I got home!!! Ann hasn't wanted any cuddles from me today.

We went to the Hermitage at 8am today because Ann is still trying to give me some off lead time and all the open spaces get really busy later in the day. Even at that time in the morning there were loads of joggers about. And what is it with all these families with little kids that seem to be going out on family bike rides. At 8am? Seriously? We totally understand that having kids cooped up at home all day is going to be difficult but would have thought it would be better to do their daily exercise later in the day when they're going a bit stir crazy. Or does first thing in the morning exercise wear them out so that they're calmer during the day?

Anyway I managed to have quite a good run about off lead, hence how I managed to find fox poo to roll in. Ann's been capturing me at regular intervals all day to rub dry foam shampoo into my fur to make me smell nice but it's not working.

Ann has been totally lacking in motivation today. All she's done is watch TV and fall asleep. She couldn't even be bothered to put a wash on.  And lets face it; how much effort does that take. Just chuck the clothes into the machine and press a button.

Oh well, ho hum, tomorrow will be better because tomorrow the sun is going to shine. Tomorrow our weather app is telling us it's going to be 18C (& it will be hotter than that on our balcony) so tomorrow we will go out early so that I can have some run about time. And then Ann will spend the rest of the day reading trashy magazines on the balcony pretending that she is on her hols.

Actually this weekend we were supposed to be heading down to St Ives to spend a month in our house there. April is usually a really nice month in Cornwall. Who knows when we'll next be there? We have a lot of bookings from May onwards which we're expecting will be cancelled. Oh and just in case anyone is interested; Airbnb (our advertising platform) is giving a full refund to all visitors who are booked between now and the 31st May. That is our main form of income so as of two weeks ago, we have NO income coming in. ….........And Ann can't really see how the company who she worked for on a self employed basis in Edinburgh as a 'meet & greeter' is going to survive this crisis. If Debenhams & Cath Kidson are going into administration what hope is there for the rest of us?????

Anyway enough ranting for one day........................ At least BLIP is keeping Ann motivated........................ She's given me my dinner and is now off to make hers.................... a big pot of leek, ham & cheese sauce which she will have with pasta tonight and will freeze the rest for later.

#staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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