Tiny Orchids
In addition to the tiny cacti that sit on my kitchen window sill, I also have two tiny orchids. The operative word here is "tiny" as my sill is not very wide and it is right over my sink. I don't do very well photographing orchids, I suspect because of their depth, but after yesterday's success with the Calla lily, I decided to give the orchids a try and I am pretty pleased with the results. I used the Lensbaby Velvet 85 art lens, which I think helped.
I treated myself to a Wacom tablet a while back and I finally got around to setting it up this afternoon. I haven't seen anyone mention them here on blip but I know a lot of photographers use them for Lightroom and primarily for Photoshop. There are lots of good tutorials on YouTube and I have discovered already how precise post-processing can be using one of these. I did not use it for this image - I will need a bit more practice, but apparently I will have a fair amount of free time going forward.;-) If you are a user and have any tips or wisdom, I would welcome hearing from you.
Looking forward to tonight's Zoom Happy hour with our kids.
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