Beam Time

Heidi woke me up at 5:45am this morning but I can’t complain as she went through the night so MrsT didn’t have to get up at all.

Used the time to catch up with some tv which I’m really enjoying as I never have time to watch anything on tv normally.

Watched Mission Impossible 2 which has a fantastic Hans Zimmer score all the way through. It’s one of favourite HZ pieces of music so now I can say I’ve seen the movie too.

Took H for a walk with L and met C and Max which was fun.

Had a chill out afternoon with a quick trip to the supermarket followed by a 5km walk late in the evening.

L used her new beam and had her air track out in the back garden today. MrsT and L went for a nice walk today too.

We took L’s phone off her today and we had such a nice day with no phones, tablets, etc.

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