Reflections of a Season

It has been the strangest "vacation" in Florida that we have ever had. The first six weeks were good, but when the virus hit...things have not been the same. 

Beaches are closed. Restaurants are closed. Boat launches are closed, and now...Florida is closed. 

We are perplexed on what to do, because we are going from one virus hot spot (Florida) to another (Michigan.) But, I think we are leaving sometime next week. Probably mid-week.

For the most part, we are staying in, but it depressing to continually watch what is happening in this state, this country, and our world.

Here's to the hope that the globe can turn the corner on this thing, and begin to recover and heal.

I loved the reflection of the snowy egret as she balanced on the rope, trying to catch minnows. In the extras is a shot that isn't reflected...a straight-on shot. 

Be safe Blippers.

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