Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

I Haven't Lost My Head...


Since we started voluntary isolation a few weeks ago, I'd had almost no exercise and no yoga practice at all. The guilt was too much to bear this morning, so I went for a run around the adjoining development. The downhill part was really easy, but I struggled on the uphill return, and did resort to a brisk walk for a while. I felt rather self-righteous by the time I got home.

Later in the morning I got my yoga mat out and tried to remember some of the poses we do in class. Before class starts I usually lie on my back with my bottom and (straight) legs up against the wall. It took me a year of struggling before I was able to do it reasonably well. As you can see, I didn't get very close today, but I'm determined to regain the flexibility I lost.

I took some precautionary aspirin and feel great. Onward and upward!

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