
By EdwardHealey

Armed and...


Rather than armed and dangerous.

Yesterday I saw a buzzard swoop down in the field opposite and have previously seen a kestrel a few times, so I have readied myself for action while working at home again this week. It's the perfect opportunity to sharpen up my, rather lacking, long lens skills what with short primes being my usual go to choice. 

In the extra I snapped a rather magnificent raven (see below for a caveat) through the spare bedroom window so as a result it's a bit hazy. I opened the window but he'd already clocked me the canny fella and sauntered off with not a care in the world like he knew he was being watched but didn't give a chough... 

Ps I am pretty sure he's a raven but I'm more than happy to be put right by those who have proper bird identification skills, I'm still learning. Small steps!

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