
By Colgaize82


I inadvertently left this little bottle of Prosecco, chilling in my freezer. Earlier, when I was looking in there for single portions of my mum’s homemade vegetarian loveliness that she has (had) become accustomed to leaving for me, I was reunited with this bottle. As it sat shivering with beads of frozen moisture rolling down its sides I couldn’t help but find it a tantalisingly attractive prospect and took a photo of it.

I don’t drink a lot but when I do have a drink, I like it to be in the company of good friends, a great read or a good film. This ‘new normal’ has incited many of us to turn to FaceTime for company so it was just as well, I had an online chat scheduled for this evening.

Neither did the defrosted contents of the bottle, nor the company disappoint.

Stay safe and enjoy catching those quality passages of time.

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