Then and now.

So, this morning I decided to break the rule of one outing a day and head off to our village centre very early (My reckoning was as it was very early and there would be no-one about I could get away with it). I was hoping for a good sunrise - It didn't happen, and apart from that our village is set in a dip and the morning light doesn't reach it!  But .... I was able to stand in the middle of the road, (something that would be impossible any other time) and take a photo down the High Street. 

When I loaded it onto my laptop I remembered a book I'd got with old photographs of the area, so I've added a similar scene from days gone by. I'm not sure of the date. This has given me an idea for when I'm stuck for a blip from time to time. A comparison of then and now.

It's been a beautiful sunny day today and more work completed in the garden. I've recoated the patio fence so it's all looking pretty smart for now!

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