
A grand day with swimming then a hastily-cooked sausage sandwich lunch cooked while the cosy clothes were found and donned and gobbled in the car while we drove to the Moores (not the moors) to go sledging up in Glendevon. Great fun, especially the snow-mouse building and launching Ellen by grabbing the back of her snowsuit as she lay on her little sledgy thing and pretty much throwing her down the hill. Back to the Moores' via the beer shop for a great bit of curry and chat.

For weans that were only getting one story and then straight to bed, they did rather well. I think it was because I got to do the choosing so it was Cops and Robbers, A Perfect Day for It and The Rhyming Rabbit. Great stories. I also need to find a copy of Animal Farm for Ewan. He was enjoying the play on Radio 4 this afternoon as we drove back from the sledging. Hmm. I wonder if anyone prints a nice version of it.

While I searched online, I had the sad misfortune to stumble into the Ron Paul forums. That's a few minutes of my life I'll never get back. Nearly as hilarious as Avalanche criticising anyone's customer service.

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