Flocking Canada Geese

A most pleasant ride on my old Nishiki road bicycle this afternoon.

I saw these Canada Geese land as a flock I'd estimate to be several thousand birds strong.

I rode over to where they were foraging on the ground, parked my bike, and pulled my camera out.

Something spooked them and they all got up at once.

Holey moley, the honking and flapping wings were deafening along with a bewildering aerial scene as an astounding number of birds were all in the air together wing tip to wing tip.

Luckily they turned before they overflew me as I had no cover to get under and I'd have been goose poop from head to toe!

They circled and came back in to land again exactly where they took off.

I thanked them for the multi-sensory show they provided me.

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