An Early Start

I decided last night that I would get up early and see the sunrise, revisiting some of the paths I had walked the day before. It was so peaceful and beautiful - well worth the very unusual early start. When I got home I had a lovely hour or so looking at the results and sharing them with the my son and daughter over the internet with their comments. Funnily enough, along with my husband, they each had different favourites so I've decided to post a selection. 
The rest of the day was pottering around the garden. I bought a very small greenhouse towards the end of last year and it had tinted protective plastic on all the windows which I didn't get round to taking off - it wasn't easy but I've now managed to get it all off. So no excuses now - except trying to get hold of seeds! I also had a go at making a palm cross with some cordyline leaves from the garden.
This evening saw a bit of drama when we spotted our neighbour, who is housebound, having a walk down the road. My husband saw him and thought he seemed to be walking ok but I couldn't settle. After 20 minutes or so he hadn't returned so I decided to go and see if he was ok. It was fortunate that I did as he had fallen and a stranger had sent for an ambulance but the neighbour was confused and unable to say who he was or where he lived. The police arrived and at least I could direct them home with him and provide a phone number of a relative. Funny how you sometimes just know there's something wrong. All seems ok now I just hope he's ok. He's very deaf and independent so not easy to help.
Feel a bit tired now - can't think why!

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