Pure .....
..... White!
These tulips are now in bloom, it would have been lovely to see them all out at the same time but these double white tulips are really great . The name escapes me now as the label has disintegrated ! That will teach me to write it down. I've never had a double one before , I'll certainly get more for next year. There are yellow ones and red ones too in this pot , what a show if only I could plant them correctly ie to come up together!
It is a dull day here and looks as if it might rain. Still 2 days of sun at this time of year in the UK seems about right . At least it's mild and for the moment dry.
Do hope you can enjoy your day , I'm about to take a virtual walk around one of the Surrey NT gardens , media at its best.
My eldest daughter isn't well today ( in fact last evening she reported a cough and sore throat ) she feels it's just a cold and she's exhorted as I think many of us are feeling, not being able to do much you'd think this wouldn't happen, but it certainly does. So please take care everyone and be good to yourselves.
The flats and high rise accommodation will continue to present a problem for exercise , both for adults and children. I'm astonished that so many young children seem to understand , how great is that.
Stay safe.
Grateful ..... for the telephone
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