1949. Arron’s Rainbow
As I mentioned a few days ago Arron wanted to send me a rainbow photo through the post but to save anyone having to go out to post anything I suggested that he send me a photo of himself with his rainbow and then I would print it and put it up in my house. So here it is, Arron’s beautiful rainbow picture now gracing my fridge door!
I should mention that the sun was in his eyes when his Mom took this!
The days continue to disappear and I have no idea what day it is half of the time. We are getting our daily exercise outdoors if we can and combining it with shopping for essentials.
Youngest step daughter is really struggling with the isolation now and there doesn’t seem to be anything that we can do to help. I have tried to access urgent mental health support but there doesn’t seem to be anything available so all we can do is keep in constant contact. My heart goes out to people with mental health problems who live alone. She is dealing with grief and now isolation, things are pretty desperate and I hope we get some more positive news about when we can see her again very soon as I don’t know how long she can hold out....
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