Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

If you don't like spiders....

you won't  like my blip today!  So...for the last couple of days while having my lunch outside, I noticed a cobweb below the chair I was sitting on.  Today for some reason I decided to check it out and am so thankful I did...I found 4 brown widow spiders with about 10 egg sacs right under where I had been sitting!  I don't know if you know anything about brown widows but they do have a nasty bite....so I quickly moved chairs!!

I went for a sunrise walk and am still amazed at the amount of people walking in groups, I assume walking to work!  Spent the rest of the day home sorting out work stuff - was quite a good day!

I found myself talking to a bug today that was on the front door!  Maybe this isolation is getting to me!

Stay safe!

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