Happiness is ...

... finduing out you muight have been correct in trying to work out what a norse eprson meant a thousand years ago.
In this time of incaceration and social distancing, one of the things I have been doing is sorting out a database I started a couple of years ago of Uist place names. 
It is rather like our house in France, and always will be, a work in progress but progress has been made.
Apart fromlast week when the file got ocrrupted and it took two days of pretty tedious stuff to get back to where I was. Anyway it now has over 2000 places on it including all the OS names on North Uist and it links through to a Googlemap.
There I was scratching my head about what Loch na Meirle might mean and I ended up writing 'It possibly could have the same route as Rubha na Murla which was ON mjór + leið = 'narrow route' '.
Today I was there and the loch just visible in the background with, in the contaqxt of a Uist bog, a 'narrow route' leading up to it.
Also high excitment with our weekly visit to the shops.

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