I did take a photo of the washing on the line to prove that I did go out and do something today but peggy trumped it tonight with the most impressive banana loaf. we have lots of old bananas to use up and she aced it. well impressed. also impressive, daisy is still doing class work and past papers.

ok day today although it started with me trying not to cry into the ibd answer machine, must have sounded like a maniac. they’ll be used to that. I’ve decided to cut out dairy to see what that does, I’m hoping it will help. got to try these things. still craving that burger but I’m adding coleslaw to the dish. suddenly I need coleslaw. I really need it. it’s like being pregnant but being allowed none of what you want. can’t stop watching cooking programmes, even watched the hairy bikers and usually I wouldn’t eat anything those two had made. now, I’d eat it all.

uncle tom called to check in, and so did mum. dave and karen are our shopping saviours and got us a few things, matthew posted a letter for beefy and gary took the bins round. folk are ace. lots of messages too which is just lovely.

now boris is in intensive care with c-19. things are mad.

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