Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Day 15 - walking on the spot

Greyhound exercise is an oxymoron. If you want to get your step count up while the hound is sniffing for the 693rd time, you have to jiggle about on the spot. This is Sarah demonstrating.

Meanwhile I wonder what the dog is thinking?
- I don’t seem to be home alone much these days.
- I am sure seeing a lot of David. And I don’t seem to have seen his girlfriend for a while. I miss being able to send her screaming from the room just by standing up.
- They seem to be cooking a lot of bacon. I approve.
- I hope that big crossing out on the calendar means I don’t have to go to the K-E-N-N-E-L-S
- I miss that nice chap who used to come and walk me.
- I seem to be dragged on much longer walks these days. I don’t approve.
- I wonder why my mum crosses the road when she sees other dog walkers rather than stopping to gab on for ages.
- mmmmmm - sausages.

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