MCO day 21
I lay awake till early this morning listening to the radio so heard most of the 5 pm (midnight) UK press conference. There was very little info about the PM which of course was superseded a couple of hours later when he was admitted to ICU. Stayed awake to listen to The Archers, which as usual I missed when I nodded off. It's a tonic for the insomniac. Caught up this morning.
A morning of class. I learnt about number relationships over 60 years ago using Cuisenaire rods. I loved them. Well, the marvels of interactive learning meant I could use them online with Olivia today. She loved them too and wants more tomorrow.
It was a peaceful day. After lunch on the balcony Wen Hui worked again, Gordon ??? worked, had time off, whatever he was also in the bedroom. Mamie slept and Olivia watched hours of 'Madagsscar'. I prepped some materials for this week. The stuff the school is sending through is pretty unimaginative and I think we're doing better. Today after some letters we did measuring.
This is Wen's 'no knead' bread, made this time with bread flour. She thinks it's too spongy. I think it's excellent. The recipe may follow!
Covid-19 is not the only disease we have to worry about here. There is also Dengue, spread by aedes mosquitos so this afternoon they were fogging across in Aman Kiara. Have to shut the windows to keep the mosquitos and the fumes out.
It's been another hot, humid and mainly overcast day. Makes you very tired. We had heavy rain last night and I think we may get more ere long. One interesting stat to add to yesterday's is that roughly twice as many people have been arrested for flouting the MCO as have been confirmed as having Covid-19.
One of the things on Twitter at the moment (cf Monty Don) is that whatever song was #1 on your 12th birthday is your quarantine song. Mine? 'I Feel Fine' by The Beatles. Very apt, and I do, feel fine (apart from the family cough and the broken toe that is).
21 days down, 7 to go
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