Cock of the walk
..or possibly hen. How do you tell the difference between male and female? I'm not sure you can - until, as Elgar84 rightly pointed out below,.one lays an egg!
Anyhow I blipped this moorhen on my morning walk in the park. S/he was down near the skatepark with the ducks. I was astonished I got so close, they usually scream and skitter off to hide in the reed mace if you point a camera in their direction.
I don't know if this is the sharpest shot I've ever taken, but I thought the paintlike backdrop rather fun. Plus out of the water moorhens are the nuttiest looking birds - red and yellow plastic beaks and ridiculously disproportionate legs and feet.
Apart from this little outing it's been more gardening, chatting to various neighbours from a safe distance and reading. Very pleasant.
So how ill is BJ? We all know is we're not being told the half of it. The phrases have the usual painting-by-numbers feel of of - ahem - top PR. I sincerely hope however, that all of you are well and happy.
Take care xx
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