Hypericum Calycinum
We always called this Rose of Sharon but the name on the blip is another one used , both are of Jewish origin.But this is shining brightly in the sunshine , another lovely day we've had shame I wasn't able to take advantage . I was on the phone ( waiting) for 75 minutes as my car insurance is due next week , the quote being horrendous this year I needed to speak to someone , no one available , I was patient as I knew they would be really busy but gave up after this time. I'm snookered as they say cos' they wouldn't even be able to renew automatically , due to an incident last year I changed all my card numbers for safeties sake. Just another problem I could do without, not having access to a face to face with anyone I've no idea how to settle this problem . Not a technophobe , never will be and as a rule I cope with what I can do. Hey ho suppose things will come right in the end , don't know how at present tho' . At least I managed to get a few household chores done even if I missed the sun.
Hope you've all had a productive safe day.
Keep well , comfort to the bereaved and RIP to the souls departed.
Grateful ...... that my daughter feels better today .
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