Are we there yet?


Orinoco Blue Ram Smaller than an Egg

17 or so months ago I set up my second ever tropical aquarium for 40 years. My first was in my teens at home in Hornchurch Essex and back then I was a dreadful aquarist. This time, well aided by the availability of better equipment, online information and a very helpful contact at my aquarium supply shop (thanks Ian) I’m quite successful at it and now have already evolved to 2 medium sized aquariums and four smaller one.

I’ve also been mulling over whether to make my blips all monochrome, but in this instance fish are really not great subject for black and white photography. The two rams I have are both fiercely iridescent and colour is the only option.

To fulfil the Tiny Tuesday brief this week I can confirm the Ram is smaller than a chickens egg and as decorative as a coloured Easter egg. Apart from the fact that anything from the Orinoco River deserves a blip imho.

In other news, quite a busy day workwise and only a short spell with Isabella was possible in the garden this afternoon.

Haven’t resolved the lawn seed debate in my head but an urgent requirement for new baking trays has surfaced and must be investigated. The two we have, have lasted a good 14 years and are now looking the worse for wear after sustained abuse in the aga.

IPhone Max XS

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