Day 22 - Tulip

Went to Amanda's to collect the shopping she had got for us on her order.  We didn't see her she left the porch door open and we picked up the shopping and dropped some toilet rolls in.  It was nice to be out for a while in the car and all of 5 mins picking up the shopping.  there were more cars about than we expected.  I got up at 2.00 am to see if I could get a delivery slot but no chance - are they putting out new delivery slots and at what time?!?!?  When we got home we tackled the honeysuckle which has got top heavy.  KG did the cutting out and I did the cutting up the bits - no green bins - no sort it centres - not allowed a bonfire - what do you do with it - put it in the black bin if you have space!!!!!!!!!  Just before coming  in for lunch I noticed this tulip - emember planting it about 2 or 3 years ago and it has never come up but this year it did.    We  have started watching Downton Abbey as we had not seen it before really enjoying it and sat and watched a couple of episodes with our coffee.
It was a beautiful sunny day and felt like summer in the sunshine. 

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