Me and My Shadow.

I set about the joyless task of taking down, emptying, cleaning and disinfecting all our garden feeders today. I had noticed a small number of diseased House Sparrows over the last few days, and decided that the best course of action was this extreme one. I'll wait for perhaps a week, and as long as there are no new sightings, I'll reinstate them all. It's hard to stop sparrows being gregarious, even when there's no extra food on offer.
Fortunately, there's plenty of other stuff at this time of year: the pond has frogs, newts, diving beetles and water boatmen, recent creatures of the night include woodmice, badgers and foxes, and butterflies are starting to appear. They like the warm, south-facing pink wall of our neighbour's house and although I've only managed peacocks as yet, I'm sure there will soon be plenty more soon, As yet, I've had no moths in my trap, but it's only a matter of time. 

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