
Lent verse is James 2v14-16:
Dear friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? ... Isn’t it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense?

About sums up a book I've just finished by Rachel Held Evans, Faith Unraveled, a gift from G&H, a minute's walk away, but might as well be in Portugal for all we see of them! Anyway, it's not what you say you believe that matters; it's whether you live it, and love people.

In Nature studies today, we walked round, marking special parts of Rectory Park on an outline map. Saw this peacock butterfly, which the kids now readily distinguish from a tortoiseshell. 
(I'm never sure if these slow ambles round the Park count as my exercise slot, so some days I do a bit more, like taking earplugs to Paul yesterday, but other days like today, stay within our house and garden.)

- stripping beds and getting bedding all dry in the sunshine
- the gift of books from HarlingDarling, what could be better?
- Paul and Julia, our two kids on the frontline, still OK

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