
By Farmerboab

Full moon rising....

Dry, sunny ,but a chill breeze today. The seeder back in to finish the last 20 acres of spring oats.
Once he was away I hitched up the rollers, picked up my co pilot/ stone picker and headed off to roll it. We were finished by 7pm and hopefully if it stays dry I’ll get the fertiliser on it tomorrow .
Hill herd brought back the trailer he had while I fixed his one yesterday. Bugger me if he hasn’t wrecked a wheel bearing on this one too. So looks like some grinding and welding at some point tomorrow- again !
B33 here has looked like she’s ready to calve for days now but when I checked at the darkening tonight she was busy chewing her cud quite happily. A big full moon tonight too , which if I had a better camera would have made a better back drop !

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