Lovely Day; Disappointing Ways

Such a beautiful April day, you couldn't ask for better weather, so I wasn't surprised to see a lot of people outside. Some were working in their yards, but most were walking, almost all with a dog or two on a leash. A few people wore masks, and most kept a safe distance from each other. But not all. Some people seemed to have forgotten all about the danger we still face. I couldn't believe how often folk stood too close, happy and excited to be out of the house, I guess. But, too often, too close, without masks. And the dogs! Dogs happily encountering different dogs to sniff and play around with only to return to owners who would reach down to pet their own dog. What! Did they think the virus couldn't possibly travel from human to their dog, to a new dog, and on to that dog's human? If we can't stand the isolation any longer, fine, but criminy sakes - that curve is not nearly flat enough.

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