Lizard walk

6 miles from the house though woods, Debdon, Primrose Cottage, Rickety Gate, the moor and home. Mr C spotted the lizard.

Grandsons cycled to the deserted beach near St Mary’s Lighthouse. They had their trunks on for a play in the sea, unlike yesterday when they went in naked. Land temperature yesterday was 12 degrees so I imagine the sea was warmer. It’s sunny here
But I can’t sit out to read as there is a cold wind.

We are having stir fry cabbage, onion and carrots with noodles long passed sell by date. I have garlic ginger chillis and soy sauce to make it bearable.

Tonight I fancy watching our DVDs Fortunes of War, from the Olivia Manning trilogy. Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thomson in their youth. Mr C will be angling for some gloomy documentary about Putin.

I hope you are all well. Scotland is showing a realistic death total now whereas England is still only counting deaths IN HOSPITAL from the virus. Their figures do not show the real picture. Who are they trying to fool, us or themselves. And now trying to buy equipment from Trump when EU offered to let us join their bulk buy. I hope their unwillingness to get to grips with the situation when there was a chance will be challenged

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