Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Monday 2020 — Personal Shopper

I asked this question on my social media today, “friends in the Covid19 ‘at risk’ group — how are you getting groceries?” Mr. Fun & I needed fresh veggies and fruit but I wasn’t having a lot of success with the delivery services (too many forms to fill-in).

So I started hunting and found a person, Cynthia, who had written a post on a public forum about the delight of delivering groceries to a large family. I stepped-out of my introverted-self and sent her a private message last Friday to ask if she would help us get groceries.

Saturday she responded, sent me her text number and told me to send her my grocery list and she would get groceries for me Monday morning.

So she sent text questions and photos as she shopped this morning. She was terrific. She arrived at our place in pouring rain. We had opened our garage door and she brought all the groceries in and set them on our card table. Yes, she wore a mask.

Her fee was so affordable. I had the option of paying thru FB “messenger” or cash. Cynthia and her husband have lost their small business because of this pandemic, so they are both busy doing restaurant food delivery and grocery shopping for others. I was delighted.

Good night from SoCal,
Rosie (& Fun), aka Carol
And Chloe & Mitzi

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