
I'm always amazed at the instinctive ability of dogs. This is BowWow the Vagabond Hound, famous for his adventures together with my niece and her boyfriend in Africa, now experiencing snow for the first time. Having been told his friends were on the way, the hound didn't leave the front door until he saw my car. The greetings of the three dogs was a not to be missed moment.

There isn't a huge amount of snow in Dundee and what there is, is slushy and not particularly nice. Although the temperature here is higher than in Surrey, the air is raw. The dogs don't mind. They have been playing together non stop.

Mother came round, very relived to see that I'd arrived without mishap. She had been watching how bad the roads had been yesterday. We spent the day catching up and only went out to give the dogs a quick run and to do a little shopping. I soon realised the drive up had exhausted me more than I thought.

It's good to be back despite the reason for my journey.

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