Snip Snip
There's a first time for everything. Hairdressers and barbers are closed. Impossible to maintain 2m separation. I watched a Youtube video, now I'm an expert. And as I told Mr P, if I make a hash of it, it doesn't matter because will be weeks yet before we see our friends close up, by which time his hair will have grown again. I will end up with a ponytail, Im not letting him near my hair.
PS I was using one of those electric clippers not scissors. I have trouble enough with my fringe.
Day 23
881 deaths up to 7978 in the UK today. Not a great picture so we are locked down for another two weeks yet, right through Easter. The elephant in the European room is why Germany's death rate is much lower. It's very likely to be because they have done much more testing. They have the giant diagnostic company Roche and have more decentralised decision making in this area. It seems the UK is weeks behind them in being able to test at the same level which makes it difficult to track the virus
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