
By stellarossa

Dining companion

I have been courting this young robin for days. He’s getting bolder and bolder.

Got up late (officially on leave)
Joined work call where colleagues from around the world told us what is happening in their countries. Sobering stuff.
Approved three micro grants for some immediate COVID-19 response work doing emergency referrals for women and children fleeing violence in their ‘homes’ ( in some cases little more than a tent), some awareness raising with refugees without phones or internet who don’t know how to protect themselves and where to get help, and some PPE and sanitiser for our teams that are still able to move about.

Then had lunch with a robin.
Read more of The Offing which is beautifully written and an antidote to virus news
Went for a bike ride.
Repotted tomatoes
Slowed down a lot
Here comes my robin again...

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