7 years...

Who'd have thought it?  Back in April 2013, when I was struggling to gain control of my newish DSLR in the Lake District, I didn't think I'd last 7 days. 

I first started thinking about this anniversary back in January, when I had vague ideas of having a few days 'oop north' with a view to getting something a bit different to my usual blipfare.  A nice landscape perhaps.

Well, obviously that didn't happen. Despite much thought, I found it hard to come up with anything clever and conceptual and I was resigned to posting another bee or local path shot, when I was struck by the light on my tulips.

These come back year after year in a gorgeous display and I liked the idea of them stretching back into the distance.  The biggest difficulty was isolating 7(ish) from the border, but my 24-104 lens solved that problem. 

So here you go: a landscape lens was used for a macro style shot which in my eyes is an apt combination of my two main photographic loves. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the years and of course, thanks to John for setting me on this path.  Here's to the next 7 years... :) 

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