Not waxing lyrical
This morning the kids and I decided to melt all the wax crayons into little heart and star moulds, and create new rainbow crayons...unfortunately my silicone moulds quickly turned out to be plastic!! So we had an oven full of melted plastic and wax...these wax 'crumbs' are all we have to show for it, ha!
Asha really enjoyed playing around with shadows and bouncing light...I love how she's soaking up all this photography stuff.
Another evening of drawing the Bible story and presenting's fascinating hearing what's stood out to each person and seeing what they've chosen to include in their picture. I love it!
Nate's still not well, but the intensity isn't as much. My chest is going downhill, feeling heavy and rubbish, but Danny juiced a whole load of fresh ginger to freeze into shots, so if anything's going to kick a cough quickly, surely a daily dose of raw ginger will do it?!
Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha's creativity.
2) Nate's loving nature. I lose count of the amount of times a day he tells me he loves me (& in a heartfelt way too!) and gives me kisses or hugs.
3) Danny managing to get Easter eggs for the kids - in no way essential or important, but I'm still glad they'll have one!
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