Flowering Tree

I thought it might be horse chestnut but I've looked up images on Google and I'm wrong.

I asked Len to put a corn plaster on a painful corn on the side of my right foot. Almost shot six feet in the air as he pressed it down, and found it difficult to walk while taking Basil out.

I hadn't intended to go further than Chiltern Avenue as a result, where we found three police cars and a forensic investigation van parked on the side of the road. Two ladies in forensic overalls and three policemen. It seemed serious. 

Of course, it will probably take me three weeks to find out what was going on. Sadly, it could have been a murder.

I THINK this is a flowering horse chestnut. I took my Helios lens out today. It's supposed to give a swirly bokeh. Hmmm.

Fell asleep again during the government briefing and missed the first ten minutes of Gareth Malone's rehearsal. Couldn't cast the YouTube video to the TV. Must investigate how to do that again.

And I MUST put a timer on for the big clap. Len came in with Basil at 2003. He'd walked round Romway Close with everyone clapping. I'd missed it. But I did go outside and have my own little clap.

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