
By AnnieBScotland

A Face in the Crowd

Andy Murray's girlfriend Kim looking a little apprehensive, and with good reason as it turned out. Poor Andy, he started so well, but just lost the plot in the fourth set and was obviously bothered by painful blisters and hamstrings.

A shot from the TV, as only today left to get a shot for the weekly challenge, CROWD. I noticed that the cameraman, or the director, of the tennis was filling in with some interesting 'foreground interest' shots - around the side of the cup etc, so I thought I might capture one of those and had the camera ready, so when this shot of Kim came up I just grabbed it.

I was hoping to get the swans at the loch, but the weather is terrible, apart from a small burst of sunshine while the tennis was on it has been raining non-stop.

The kettle has been dying for the past week, and finally gave up the ghost, so had to go and find a new one. Came back to a message saying that the evening out is starting early, as the friends I am going with have decided to head into Glasgow for a curry before the concert, so have to leave at 4.30pm. Probably just leaves me enough time to either sit and read the Sunday paper, or write up the minutes from Friday's meeting. Hmm..... tough choice!!!

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